German Gold Engine Power 5W40
German Gold Engine Power 5W40
German Gold Engine Power 5W40

German Gold Engine Power 5W40

German Gold Engine Power 5W40 is a synthetic smooth-running engine oil for petrol and diesel car engines with or without turbocharging and direct injection. German Gold Engine Power 5W40 is characterised by its excellent cold starting properties, minimisation of fuel consumption, friction and wear.


Mercedes Benz 229.3 VW 502 00 VW 505 00 Opel GM-LL-B-025 Renault RN 0700 Renault RN 0710 Fiat 9.55535-M2 PSA B71 2296 BMW Longlife-98 Porsche A40 (from model year 1973 except Cayenne V6) Fiat 9.55535-H2 Fiat 9.55535-N2

Product Category

Petrol and diesel car engines

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German Gold Engine Power 5W-40 is an energy-efficient engine oil for year-round use, and is ideal for all modern petrol and diesel car engines.
  • ACEA A3
  • ACEA B4
  • API CF
  • API SN