CRUISER POWER 4T 20W-50 is a premium 4-stroke gasoline engine oil developed specifically to meet the special requirements of latest high performance air cooled 4-stroke V-twin motorcycles. It’s also suitable for water-cooled engines with combined engine/transmission and wet-clutch applications.
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Product information NSL Cruiser Power 4T 20W50
• Outstanding thermo-oxidative stability.
• Exceptional anti-wear, anti-rust and anti-corrosion properties.
• Controlled frictional properties eliminate clutch slippage.
• Increased power/ fuel economy and improves drivability.
• Excellent dispersancy and detergency properties.
• Outstanding shear stability maintains viscosity under high temperature high shear environment and provides improved wear protection.
• Outstanding low temperature properties enable easy starting at low ambient temperatures and ensure effective lubrication and wear protection at start up.
• Exceptional Low volatility characteristics reduce oil consumption and hydrocarbon pollution.