NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40
NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40
NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40
NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40
NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40

NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40

TIDAL POWER SXPD 10W-40 is a fuel conserving super MID SAPS high performance universal oil designed for high loaded diesel engines in light- and heavy commercial vehicles working under severe operating conditions through the whole year and running on low sulphur diesel fuel (max 50 ppm) for use in Euro-4, Euro-5 and Euro-6 engines equipped with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). This product is also suitable for vehicles equipped with EGR and/or SCR after treatment systems.


DFTR 15C110 (MB 228.51) Volvo VDS-4.5 Renault RLD-3 Mack EOS-4.5

Product Category

For high loaded diesel engines

Product information NSL Tidal Power SXPD 10W40

•    Excellent thermal- and oxidation stability.
•    Very good dispersancy and detergency.
•    High anti-foam, anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties.
•    Excellent protection against “Bore Polishing”.
•    Extended drain intervals up to 150.000 km.
•    Suitable for engines equipped with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
•    Fuel conserving

ACEA E6/E8/E9/E11
Deutz DQC-IV-18-LA
Renault RXD
Caterpillar ECF-3
Cummins 20086
MTU Type 3.1
Detroit Diesel DDC93K222
MAN M3477